Know bout Me

I like a lot of stuff like snowboarding, dogs, traveling, coding, bran muffins, pancakes, coffee, 90s hip hop, cheesy music, EDM, tech, smoking meats, gadgets, photography, video editing, chinese food, mexican food, pho, steak, smoothies, ice-cream, Lao Tsu, kung fu movies, football, classic 80s movies, fantasy football, food trucks, Wu-Tang, sous vide, and various things.

I currently live in Corvallis, Oregon.

He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know.
- Lao Tsu


Third Person Bio

Noah is a marketing technologist with over a decade of experience in the medical device industry who specializes in articulating the value of digital technologies and engagement strategies to company leaders. He has a deep understanding of data and analytics coupled with the creative mindset to transition raw data into actionable insights and compelling marketing campaigns.

He is well-versed in patient education through the development of multiple awareness campaigns that include content marketing, social media, search engine marketing, SEO, lead nurturing campaigns and marketing automation (Marketo Certified Expert).

Noah currently works at Amazon Web Services (AWS).

The places I've worked at:

Copyright © 2023 Noah Wong. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2023 Noah Wong. All rights reserved.